New Year Blues January 2, 2014John D Burns 8 Sometimes the weather creeps up on you. You read the forecast and decide there’s nothing doing on the hills for a while and [...]
Good Reads for Bad Days December 28, 2013johndburns 6 I’m writing this in the little blip that exists in all our lives between Christmas and new Year. It’s like a temporary truce [...]
Tear the compass from my cold dead hand. December 22, 2013John D Burns 36 I’m in the forest, it’s dark, I’m on a path that didn’t exist when they made the map I’m using. I can see [...]
Cotton Joe made it! December 11, 2013johndburns 8 This is the guy I met on that wet day in Glencoul. See my previous two posts. Cotton Joe at the end of [...]
The Downhill Mountaineering Club November 24, 2013John D Burns 28 Part two of my Glencoul odyssey Sometimes you know in advance that things are not going to go your way. My plan is [...]
The Boobs of Glencoul November 16, 2013John D Burns 5 It’s dark and I’m miles from anywhere in one of the Highland’s remotest glens, Glencoul, and the bothy in nowhere to be seen. [...]
The Wet November 1, 2013johndburns 10 I’ve been trying to ignore it for a while but now I’ve had to accept the something is happening “down below.” My inner [...]
I see things October 12, 2013John D Burns 3 Mountains are big. I’ve noticed. In fact they are really big at the bottom and always very small at the top, that’s how [...]
Bring Back the Wolf October 4, 2013johndburns 12 Many years ago I was walking through a Canadian forest, heading for an ice climb, not too far from the town of Banff. [...]
Marathon Men September 18, 2013johndburns 10 Now this is going to hurt. I think you can say, with some certainty, that if you sent off from the little seaside [...]