Outside In Plenty of bright chatter in this new podcast I talk to Austin Low about how gaming technology can help you keep active and [...]
Adventures in Sound March 25, 2020March 25, 2020John D Burns 2 For me one of the best things about journeying to remote places and experiencing the adventure that climbing has to offer is the [...]
Tears of ice – Uath Lochans March 8, 2020John D Burns I had forgotten how magical this place is. I am standing on the board walk where it leads out across the bog through [...]
OEX Walking Poles Review March 5, 2020March 5, 2020John D Burns Watch my review of OEX walking poles [...]
Chasing Winter February 29, 2020John D Burns 2 Winter has arrived at full blast in the Scottish Highlands. It’s as if it’s trying to make up for lost time as I [...]
Finding wild scotland February 7, 2020February 7, 2020John D Burns Sometimes all you need to do is find the right path and follow it. This is about my journey. Just a few steps [...]
Bothies, Grouse and early days. Podcast January 31, 2020January 31, 2020John D Burns Listen to John D Burns talking to Rae Helm about his life in the outdoors [...]
Of time travel and beavers January 28, 2020January 28, 2020John D Burns Today I took a journey through time. I travelled back 400 years to a time before the industrial revolution, to a time before [...]
The Quest in Scotland’s Hills January 23, 2020January 23, 2020John D Burns 4 I’ve been climbing for over an hour now. With each meter I climb my pack grows heavier. It’s long time now since I [...]